A Guide to Foreign Entry Protocols For Travel to Libya

Libya Launches e-Visa Portal and New Travel Regulations

As of March 2024, Libya has introduced new entry protocols to streamline the entry, residency, and departure processes for foreigners. These changes, effective from March 14th, align Libya’s policies with global standards, making the country more accessible to international visitors.

Following this legislative update, Libya has launched an e-Visa system designed to simplify and accelerate the visa application process for tourists, business travelers, and expatriates. This initiative is a significant step in Libya’s broader plan to attract investment and tourism, enhancing its reputation as a stable country with abundant potential.

Expertise Consultancy presents an overview of recent changes, shedding light on essential travel information for those interested in visiting Libya.

Entry Points and Routes into Libya

Under Decree 137, foreigners can only enter and exit Libya through designated points, ensuring compliance with international agreements. See the map below for Libya’s designated points of entry.

EC actively monitors entry points and flights to keep its clients informed with routine status updates.

Travelling by land via the Ras Ejder border crossing may present complications with closures being common in the last few months. Flights to Libya have proven more reliable in recent years with a growing choice of airlines and travel routes.

Tripoli’s Mitiga International Airport, for example, has resumed regular flights from key destinations, including Rome, Athens, Malta, and Dubai. Flag carriers like Turkish Airlines and Qatar Airways have reconnected with Libya, with plans for additional carriers to restart regular flights.

Libya Visa Categories and Fee Structure

Libya has revised its visa categories, offering tourist, business, student, and transit visas. The tourist e-visa allows for a single entry and permits a stay of up to 30 days within a 90-day period. Other visa durations depend on the application review.

The updated fee structure is outlined in Table (1) below, detailing the costs associated with various visa types. Visa fees are as follows:

Visa Fees and Renewals: 

Visa types Price
Entry visa for several trips 1000 LYD
Transit visa  100 LYD
Extending a transit visa 100 LYD
Entry visa for tourism and visit – joining a resident – study – official mission 300 LYD
Extension of the tourist, visit, study and official mission visa 100 LYD
Granting a visa at the port of entry  1000 LYD
Residence visa for the categories mentioned in Article (32) of these regulations 100 LYD (annually) Minors listed in the foreigner’s passport will be excluded from this fee
Entry visa for work purposes 300 LYD
Group entry visa 100 LYD
Work residence visa 500 LYD
Residence visa without work – renewal 300 LYD 
Final exit visa 50 LYD
Table (1)

Application Process and Required Documents

The e-Visa portal, launched on March 21st, simplifies the application process. Applicants can now apply online without visiting a Libyan embassy. Eligibility can be checked using the Authorised Nations tool on the website.

To apply, create an account and prepare to have the following information and documents ready to complete the application form:

    • A valid passport with at least six months’ validity
    • A recent passport-sized photograph
    • Details of the intended visit (travel plans, dates, purpose)
    • Additional supporting documents, depending on the visa type
    • Proof of accommodation

The portal provides a step-by-step guide and allows tracking of application status. Processing times range from several days to a few weeks.

For business visas, an invitation from a Libyan company is required. Membership in organisations like the LBBC or AmCham can facilitate business engagements and expedite visas.

Most visa applications require proof of accommodation to confirm applicants have a suitable place to stay. To make your stay in Libya comfortable, Expertise Consultancy provides reliable lodging options with various amenities across Libya.

For questions on applying for a Libyan visa, feel free to contact us for assistance.

Implications on Travel to Libya

Libya’s new protocols mark a significant step towards opening its borders, attracting more trade, investment, and tourism.

These developments are part of a broader effort to showcase Libya’s potential. The IMF projects an 8% GDP growth for Libya in 2024, positioning it among the fastest-growing economies. Libya aims to harness this growth period to reverse a decade of setbacks by advancing its energy and civil infrastructure and revitalising its tourism industry.

Streamlining visa procedures helps Libya attract investors, skilled labor, and tourists, reshaping its image as a stable and attractive destination.


The recent changes in Libya’s entry protocols signal a major step towards fostering international connectivity. With the introduction of Decree 137 and the user-friendly e-Visa platform, Libya is committed to simplifying the visa process and welcoming international visitors.

Expertise Consultancy remains dedicated to supporting businesses navigating Libya and its evolving protocols. Our comprehensive services in accommodations, logistics, and security ensure a seamless travel experience for our clients.

To inquire about EC’s operational support services and our commitment to delivering straightforward, compliant solutions, contact us here or at info@expertiseconsultancy.com.

Please Note: Visa regulations may change. Verify the latest information from official sources or contact EC for updates.


Expertise Consultancy’s Guide to Personal and Travel Security

In today’s increasingly interconnected and globalized world, personal and travel security has become a top priority for individuals and businesses alike. Expertise Consultancy specializes in providing tailored risk mitigation and security consulting services to address these concerns. 

Risk assessment plays a crucial role in the context of personal and travel security, as it enables organizations to identify, analyze, and manage potential threats that could jeopardize the safety of their employees or operations. By employing a comprehensive approach to risk mitigation and leveraging the expertise of seasoned security consulting professionals, Expertise Consultancy helps clients navigate the complex landscape of personal and travel security, ensuring a safer and more secure experience for all involved.

The significance of risk assessments

Risk assessments are systematic processes designed to identify, analyze, and evaluate potential threats, vulnerabilities, and hazards associated with personal and travel security. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, businesses can effectively pinpoint areas of concern, develop proactive strategies to address these issues, and ultimately, safeguard their employees and assets. In the context of personal and travel security, risk assessments play a vital role in determining the overall safety and preparedness of an organization, its workforce, and its operations.

Through risk assessments, businesses can uncover potential risks related to the physical and procedural aspects of security, such as crime rates, political unrest, infrastructure vulnerabilities, and health hazards. Identifying these risks can help organizations be better equipped to implement appropriate measures to mitigate threats, enhance security protocols, and ensure a safe and secure environment for their employees and operations.

Security consulting is an integral component of risk assessments, as it provides expert guidance and insights throughout the process. Security consultants leverage their industry experience, knowledge, and best practices to assess an organization’s current security posture, identify potential risks, and recommend tailored solutions to address these concerns. By partnering with a reputable security consulting firm, businesses can benefit from comprehensive risk assessments, enabling them to make informed decisions about their personal and travel security strategies and implement effective risk mitigation measures.

Risk mitigation strategies

Risk mitigation is the process of identifying, assessing, and implementing measures to reduce the likelihood or impact of potential threats to personal and travel security. Effective risk mitigation is essential because it enables organizations to proactively address vulnerabilities, minimize disruptions, and protect their people and assets from harm. By developing and executing appropriate risk mitigation strategies, businesses can ensure the safety and well-being of their employees, clients, and stakeholders, even in complex and challenging environments.

There are various risk mitigation strategies that organizations can employ, depending on the nature and severity of the identified risks. These strategies include:

  • Risk acceptance – a company acknowledges the existence of a risk and opts to manage it without taking further action.
  • Risk transfer –  involves shifting the responsibility for managing risk to another party, such as through insurance or contractual agreements.
  • Risk reduction – focuses on implementing controls to decrease the likelihood or impact of a threat.
  • Risk avoidance – a company eliminates the risk by changing its operations or avoiding certain activities altogether.

Expertise Consultancy plays a pivotal role in helping clients develop and implement suitable risk mitigation strategies. By conducting comprehensive risk assessments and leveraging their security consulting expertise, the team provides tailored guidance on which strategies would be most effective in addressing the specific risks facing an organization. They work closely with clients to ensure the chosen strategies align with the organization’s overall objectives, risk appetite, and operational context. 

Through a collaborative approach, Expertise Consultancy empowers businesses to proactively manage their personal and travel security risks, fostering a safe and secure environment for all stakeholders.

How to conduct a security risk assessment

Conducting a thorough personal and travel security risk assessment is vital for businesses seeking to protect their employees and assets. To streamline this process, organizations can follow a step-by-step template or checklist, ensuring a comprehensive and structured approach to risk management.

  1. Identify potential risks: Begin by brainstorming and listing all potential risks related to personal and travel security. This includes threats to employee safety and transportation vulnerabilities.
  2. Assess the likelihood and impact: For each identified risk, evaluate the likelihood of occurrence and its potential impact on the organization.
  3. Prioritize risks: Rank the risks based on their likelihood and impact to determine which ones require immediate attention and resources.
  4. Develop risk mitigation strategies: For each prioritized risk, devise appropriate mitigation strategies, such as risk acceptance, risk transfer, risk reduction, or risk avoidance.
  5. Implement and monitor: Implement the chosen strategies and continually monitor their effectiveness, making adjustments as necessary to address evolving risks.

To use this template effectively, businesses should engage all relevant stakeholders in the process, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives and expertise. This collaborative approach can help identify risks that might otherwise go unnoticed and foster a culture of security awareness throughout the organization.

Personal and travel security risk mitigation 

Several cases demonstrate the tangible benefits of Expertise Consultancy’s personal and travel security risk mitigation services. One notable case involved a multinational corporation with employees frequently traveling to high-risk locations. The company faced challenges in ensuring employee safety during their travels. Expertise Consultancy provided a comprehensive risk assessment, identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities. Through tailored risk mitigation strategies, including employee security training, and secure travel arrangements, the company significantly reduced its exposure to security risks. 

Expertise Consultancy’s ability to address specific challenges and deliver customized solutions allowed the organisation to operate in markets where its competitors were not able to operate, giving them a competitive edge. It also led to a safer and more secure environment for the corporation’s traveling employees, exemplifying their commitment to effective risk management. 


Expertise Consultancy’s risk assessment and security consulting services provide invaluable support for businesses looking to protect their employees and assets in the realm of personal and travel security. By using established frameworks and methodologies, Expertise Consultancy helps clients develop and implement appropriate risk mitigation strategies tailored to their unique circumstances.

As personal and travel security concerns continue to evolve, it is increasingly important for businesses to conduct comprehensive risk assessments and implement effective risk mitigation strategies. Expertise Consultancy’s services can serve as a vital resource for organizations, enabling them to navigate the complexities of personal and travel security, fostering a safer and more resilient future.

Unlocking Robust Security Infrastructure

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, companies seek new business opportunities by expanding to new cities and countries. This move can help them access new markets, diversify their revenue streams, and gain a competitive edge by tapping into new resources and talent pools. However, global expansion also presents challenges such as cultural differences, language barriers, and regulatory complexities that require careful planning and execution. With these new vulnerabilities, the importance of security consulting becomes even more critical. 

The global physical security market is expected to reach USD 191.4 billion by 2028, emphasizing the growing demand for security and physical security solutions, as well as the consulting services that support them. This underscores the importance of seeking expert guidance and support to establish a strong and resilient security infrastructure that can mitigate risks and help businesses thrive in today’s dynamic global market.

Key Components of a Strong Security Infrastructure

A robust security infrastructure comprises several critical components that protect an organization’s assets and personnel. Essential elements include access control systems to regulate entry to physical and digital spaces, surveillance equipment to monitor activities and deter unauthorized access, and communication systems that enable efficient coordination among security personnel and emergency responders. Additionally, well-designed security policies and procedures, regular employee training, and a proactive approach to risk management contribute to a comprehensive security program.

A competent security partner approaches each of these components with a methodical, customized strategy to ensure the highest level of protection for their clients. 

For access control, the firm should assess the client’s specific needs and recommend a combination of physical barriers, biometric devices, and smart card technologies to create a secure yet user-friendly environment. Concerning surveillance, the agency must help businesses select and deploy the most effective cameras, sensors, and alarm systems while providing guidance on best practices for monitoring and incident response. 

Regarding communication systems, it should emphasize the importance of interoperability and redundancy, ensuring that security personnel can maintain seamless contact with one another and external agencies during crisis situations.

By addressing each component of a strong security infrastructure with meticulous attention to detail, security consultant effectively safeguards their clients’ most valuable resources and maintains operational continuity in the face of evolving threats. 

The Importance of Hiring a Security Consultant

Hiring a security consultant to build and maintain a security infrastructure offers numerous benefits that help organizations protect their assets and reputation. 

A consultant provides an unbiased assessment of the company’s security posture, identifying vulnerabilities and offering tailored solutions to mitigate risks. They also possess the expertise to select and integrate the most appropriate technologies, ensuring the organization’s security systems operate cohesively and effectively. 

Furthermore, a security consultant stays current with the latest industry trends and regulatory requirements, enabling businesses to remain compliant and adapt to an ever-changing threat landscape.

Firms like Expertise Consultancy bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, positioning themselves as valuable partners for businesses looking to bolster their security infrastructure. These firms are competent in addressing clients’ unique needs and devising bespoke strategies to safeguard their operations effectively. 

For instance, the professionals at Expertise Consultancy possess diverse skills, including risk assessment, policy development, technology implementation, and employee training, ensuring a comprehensive approach to security consulting. By leveraging their specialized knowledge and extensive experience, clients can maximize the effectiveness of their security infrastructure and enjoy greater peace of mind. 

Real-Life Examples of Successful Security Infrastructure Implementation

Expertise Consultancy partners with businesses facing challenges in complex environments, providing comprehensive security and logistical solutions. Clients from diverse sectors have successfully implemented crucial security infrastructures with the consultancy’s assistance. These organizations have encountered challenges such as safeguarding assets and personnel, navigating logistics in intricate settings, and maintaining compliance with local regulations.

One client with long-term projects across multiple locations in Libya required security and logistical solutions, highlighting the importance of understanding the local market environment. To succeed in Libya, businesses must possess a deep comprehension of the cultural, social, economic, and political factors shaping the country’s landscape. Market entry can be particularly daunting for those unfamiliar with these complexities. By collaborating with a local consultant like Expertise Consultancy, businesses can receive the necessary support to ensure project safety and efficiency.

Similarly, a client in the energy sector sought assistance with asset tracking, management, and site and asset security consulting services. Thanks to Expertise Consultancy’s prowess in these areas, the client was able to secure their valuable resources and maintain smooth operations.

An international non-governmental organization focusing on refugee assistance encountered unique challenges in Benghazi and Tripoli, such as logistics management and vehicle fleet hire solutions. Leveraging their in-depth understanding of the local environment, Expertise Consultancy provided adequate support, nationwide security, and HSE training services.

For another client, Expertise Consultancy took on the responsibility of managing and overseeing security solutions, visa processing, and other administrative tasks. Their all-inclusive service allowed the client to concentrate on core operations while staying compliant with local regulations, demonstrating the consultancy’s adaptability and commitment to client success.

These examples from real-world situations demonstrate the enormous value that reputable and competent third-party security consulting firms offer.

Robust Security Infrastructure to Protect Assets and Personnel from Risks

When expanding to a new location, businesses must take steps to ensure their success in the new market. Thorough research and analysis of the local market are necessary to identify potential opportunities and challenges. 

Establishing a solid network of local contacts can also provide valuable insight into the market’s nuances. Additionally, it’s crucial to remain up-to-date with the latest regulatory and legal requirements, which can be complex and vary widely from location to location.

Finally, businesses must establish a robust security infrastructure to protect their assets and personnel from potential risks. By addressing these key factors, companies can increase their chances of success in a new market, whether they are entering the market for the first time or seeking to enhance their existing operations.

Expertise Consultancy offers a comprehensive range of services beyond security to address the unique challenges of operating in complex environments such as Libya. Their proficiency in the following services has helped numerous clients overcome challenges and achieve success:

  • Asset tracking and management
  • Site and asset security consulting
  • In-country security management
  • Logistics support
  • Vehicle fleet hire
  • Security and HSE training, 
  • Visa processing
  • Administrative support
  • Static guarding
  • Tracking and evacuation contingency support, 
  • Long-term accommodation
  • Office solutions
  • Procurement of equipment 

By partnering with Expertise Consultancy, businesses gain a trusted ally to guide them through market entry and adapt to the dynamic Libyan market.

Demystifying Cash-In-Transit: Comprehensive Guide

Securely transporting cash and valuables is of utmost importance in today’s fast-paced financial world. More businesses and financial institutions have turned to cash-in-transit (CIT) services to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of their funds. 

CIT refers to the process of securely moving physical currency, valuable assets, and other financial instruments from one location to another. This critical service plays a pivotal role in the financial sector, facilitating the seamless flow of cash and valuables between banks, businesses, and customers. 

In this comprehensive guide, we demystify the concept of CIT, addressing questions such as “What does cash in transit mean?” and “What is the significance of funds in transit?” By delving into the intricacies of CIT services, we aim to provide valuable insights into this essential aspect of financial security and logistics.

Cash-In-Transit Services Options

At its core, CIT refers to the secure and efficient transportation of physical currency, valuable assets, and other financial instruments, such as bonds and checks, between various locations. This can include transfers between banks, businesses, and even individual customers. CIT plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of the financial sector, as it allows for the safe movement of funds and valuables, minimizing the risk of theft or loss during transit.

Several different types of CIT services are available, each tailored to the specific needs of clients and the nature of the assets being transported. These can include:

  1. Armored vehicle transport: Highly secure vehicles are equipped with advanced security features and operated by trained and armed personnel to transport large amounts of cash or high-value assets.
  1. Secure courier services: For smaller-scale cash transfers or the transportation of sensitive documents, secure courier services provide an efficient and reliable solution. These services often involve using unmarked vehicles and discreet personnel to maintain a low profile.
  1. Cash processing and vaulting: Some CIT providers offer additional services such as cash counting, processing, and secure storage in vaults, ensuring the complete management of cash assets from end to end.

It is also vital that the vehicles used for transporting cash and valuables are secure and maintained to high standards. This includes regular maintenance and inspection, installing physical security measures such as armored plating and GPS tracking systems, and using tamper-evident packaging and containers.

By offering a range of specialized services, CIT providers like Expertise Consultancy can cater to the diverse requirements of clients in the financial sector. These agencies also guarantee the highest level of security and efficiency in transporting cash and valuables.

Training and Screening of CIT Personnel

The success and security of CIT operations hinge on the expertise and preparedness of CIT personnel. To ensure the highest level of competence, CIT staff must undergo a specialized training that equips them with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle various situations and challenges that may arise during transit. On top of this, conducting background checks on all employees involved in the transportation of cash and valuables is also a necessary step for companies to ensure that there are no security concerns or criminal histories that could jeopardize the safety of personnel or assets.

Training programs for CIT personnel often cover a range of pursuits, including defensive driving, risk assessment, conflict resolution, and the proper handling of firearms. This comprehensive training ensures that staff members are well-versed in the best practices for securely transporting cash and valuables while being prepared to respond effectively to potential threats or emergencies. 

Essential equipment used in CIT operations includes armored vehicles, security cameras, GPS tracking systems, and secure communication devices. In addition, CIT personnel may be equipped with body armor, firearms, and other security gear to ensure their safety and the protection of the assets they are transporting. 

The Risks Associated with CIT

CIT operations inherently come with risks and challenges that must be carefully managed to ensure the secure and efficient transportation of cash and valuables. Common risks associated with CIT include theft, robbery, and hijacking of vehicles, as well as accidents and human error that can lead to the loss or damage of assets. Additionally, CIT operations can face various logistical challenges, such as navigating complex routes, managing traffic, and adhering to strict timelines.

By identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities, CIT providers can implement targeted strategies to address these risks and ensure the highest level of security. This may involve adjusting routes, enhancing security protocols, or investing in additional training for personnel. Implementing monitoring and tracking systems can also help deter theft and provide real-time information about the location and status of the items being transported. This includes the use of GPS tracking, alarms, and CCTV cameras.

A Trusted Partner in Cash and Valuables Transportation in Libya

Transporting cash and other valuables is a high-risk operation, as numerous security threats and potential dangers to the items and personnel involved exist. Nevertheless, companies can minimize these risks by implementing proper security measures and partnering with a reliable security agency, ensuring the successful and secure transportation of cash and valuables.

The usual operating procedures for Cash-in-Transit globally is the easily identifiable armored vehicles with the company logo printed on the trucks and in case there is a potential risk on the operation, a call out to the local security forces such as the police force who would ensure a fast incident response time to support, the CIT team would lock themselves in to the vehicle until the police arrive.

However this service is a perfect example of demonstrating how unique Libya can be as an operating environment. Considering the issues the country is grappling with currently, including the readily available weapons and lack of an effective unified security force, ambushing a CIT convoy can be an easy target for criminal gangs. Therefore when considering the implementation of a CIT task, the key to mitigating the risks is actually for a low profile approach completely opposite to the industry standard operating procedures. 

Therefore the methodology that has given Expertise Consultancy Libya a 100% success rate to date, is to utilize non-uniform personnel, low profile vehicles (armored), low profile armed guards, minimum of a 3 vehicle convoy with low profile vehicle maneuvers, in some cases especially if traveling through high traffic areas, motorcycles are used as part of the protection and monitoring component of the convoy. If the client or task is high profile, there is also the requirement of using decoy convoys. The main operating procedure in this service line is to ensure there is a robust high level operational security (OPSEC) when it comes to any communications with the client and the operation teams internally.   

Expertise Consultancy is a trusted partner in secure cash and valuables transportation, offering a comprehensive approach to CIT operations and surpassing industry standards. The company is committed to meeting the regulations and industry standards governing CIT operations by investing in extensive training programs, state-of-the-art equipment, and robust operational procedures. 

We aim to go above and beyond the minimum requirements to provide our clients with the highest level of security and reliability. Compliance with these requirements demonstrates a commitment to professionalism, safety, and customer satisfaction, ultimately building trust and credibility within the industry.

We can successfully navigate complex operations to deliver a reliable and efficient solution for businesses seeking CIT services. With extensive expertise and dedication to client satisfaction, Expertise Consultancy is an ideal choice for those who prioritize the safe and successful transportation of their assets.

Expertise Consultancy is a 100% Libyan owned and operational organization. Established in 2014 with the long-term vision to be a part of the developing new Libya post revolution. Combining the international expertise and deep local knowledge to provide exceptional service quality.

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